It is with great sadness we have to bring you news of the passing of Ken West.
Westy, as he was always known, was an integral part of Orchid growing in Victoria. As an early member of OSCOV he was a judge and committee member for many years. As a long time member of Ringwood Orchid Society and Yarra Valley Orchid Society he served in many roles including a time as President and was Show Marshall for both societies. Ken was also a formative member of the Cymbidium Orchid Society of Victoria and was highly involved in its activities.
Westy had a large orchid collection, particularly Cymbidiums which he collected for many years. Like all of us his collection out grew space at regular intervals and he gave plants away, many plants, particularly to new growers as encouragement plants.
In his later years he worked for Paradisia Orchids nursery and at their retail outlet Collectors Corner. It was the perfect place for an Orchid nut like Ken. Working with the plants he loved and in close contact with lots of other growers. As he said, it was a kid in the lolly shop during the flowering season.
We will all miss Westy. A great contributor to Victorian Orchid growing.