OSCOV is delighted to announce the dates for the 2021 OSCOV Melbourne Orchid Spectacular. The Spectacular is scheduled to be open to the public on Friday 27 August, Saturday 28 August & Sunday 29 August 2021, at our usual venue, the Boxhall Pavilion, KCC Park, 655 Westernport Highway (Dandenong-Hastings Rd), Skye, Victoria. After being unable to hold the Spectacular in 2020 due to covid-19 restrictions – planning is now underway for this year’s event. We are sure the orchid community is very much looking forward to again attending the largest annual orchid show in the Southern Hemisphere! More details on this year’s event will be released as they are finalised. Those details will of course be affected by any covid-19 related requirement in place at the time. Keep an eye on the OSCOV website (www.oscov.asn.au), the OSCOV Facebook page ((3) orchid society council of victoria – search results | Facebook) and the Melbourne Orchid Spectacular Facebook page ((3) Melbourne Orchid Spectacular | Facebook) for updates throughout 2021.