David Banks has grown orchids for over thirty years. He is Editor of the Australian Orchid Review and a past Editor of The Orchadian. David has written several orchid books, the latest being Orchids: Cultivation, Propagation and Varieties and Flora’s Orchids. He and his father, Graeme, are proprietors of Hills District Orchids in Northmead, Sydney.
Paul Carver, President of the Orchid Species Society of Victoria, specialises in the cultivation of species orchids. He and his wife Ann are especially fond of stanhopeas, and they grow most of the known species.
Julian Coker and his wife Frances are proprietors of Atlantis Orchids, a nursery that specialises in cymbidiums and other cool-growing orchid species and hybrids. Julian is a Past President of OSCOV and an Emeritus Judge of the OSCOV Judging Panel.
Frankie Fraser, an OSCOV Associate Judge, was involved in Education in Western Australia, Victoria, New Zealand and the UK for more than 40 years before her retirement. Her main interests are Australian native terrestrial orchids and cool-growing laelia, sophronitis and cattleya species.
Alan Hope is President of the North-East Melbourne Orchid Society, an OSCOV judge and associate editor of the Journal of the Orchid Species Society of Victoria. He grows a wide range of orchids and lectures on paphiopedilums, Asian orchid travels and orchid culture.
Rex Johnson lives in Underwood (northern Tasmania). He and his wife Lyn are experienced orchid growers who grow a wide range of orchids in a challenging climate. As well as being AOC judges in Tasmania, they are both fully accredited OSCOV Judges and visit Victoria on a regular basis.
John Krens and his wife Elly have grown orchids for about twenty years. However, it was not until John retired in 1999 and they joined the Melbourne Eastern Orchid Society that their interest in orchids blossomed. Both are now committee members of that Society, and John is Editor of its monthly newsletter. John defers to Elly as the better orchid grower of the two.
Brian Milligan is an OSCOV Emeritus Judge and a member of the OSCOV Executive (Liaison Officer). He is a Life Member of both the North East Melbourne Orchid Society and the Orchid Species Society of Victoria. Brian edits the North East Melbourne Orchid Society newsletter and the annual Journal of the Orchid Species Society of Victoria.
Michael Pender is an OSCOV judge and immediate Past President of the North East Melbourne Orchid Society. He has grown a wide range of orchids for 35 years, and currently specialises in disas.
Richard Salvado is a former President of both the Orchid Species Society of Victoria and the North East Melbourne Orchid Society. He grows a wide range of orchids, and specialises in novelty cattleyas, masdevallias and miniature species orchids.
Ron Schliefert, a retired banker, is the OSCOV Promotions Officer, an OSCOV Judge, a COSV Judge, and Treasurer of the Yarra Valley Orchid Society. He grows a wide range of orchids, and has a special interest in Australian native species orchids.
Dieter Weise is an OSCOV Emeritus Judge with an enviable collection of species orchids, which he grows to perfection. Dieter has been heavily involved in the OSCOV Judging Panel training programme for many years.